主演: Merve Ates Selim Aydin Ece Edibe Baykal Aslin Su Divrik Pinar Gülkapan ?zgür Hacier Ece Koroglu 梅廷·耶尔德勒姆 Tuncay ?agil Rüya ?nal
简介: Siccin 5 tells the story of a family returning to their nightmare after the ceremony that took place years ago. Hale is a young girl of 12 years ...详情 >
主演: Ece ?esmioglu Aslihan Malbora Halit ?zgür Sari Enver Ceylan Kubilay Tun?er Süreyya Güzel
简介: 在海滨小镇度过暑假时,16岁的丹妮兹希望俘获童年时期暗恋对象的芳心,却因此陷入三角恋...详情 >
主演: 齐凡克·塔里图格 杰瑞·霍夫曼 伊塞姆·乌尊 ?zge ?zpirin?ci Onur ünsal 埃尔坦·萨班 Ece ?esmioglu Ersin Arici Ersel Sibil Bekir Behrem Serkan Demir Baran ?akmak Arda Sanli Onur Mahir Meric Aral 塞尔柱克·约奈坛 穆罕默德·库尔图卢斯 丹尼斯·莫因
简介: 灾难降临地球后,执行潜艇研究任务的海洋生物学家必须与队员们一起为生存而战。此时,一个阴谋浮出水面。...详情 >
主演: Aubrey Reynolds Justin Berti Felisha Cooper
简介: When a woman is attacked in her short term rental, the companys Clean-Up Team steps in to help her pick up the pieces. But she soon finds that they mi...详情 >
主演: Bulut Akkale Ece Baykal Reyhan Ilhan Seda Oguz Seyda Terzioglu Salih Usta Yavuz ?etin
简介: A woman has had her little child squashed and killed after the jins have turned the cabinet over him as she found out that this was not a coincid...详情 >
主演: Bulut Akkale Ece Baykal Reyhan Ilhan Seda Oguz Seyda Terzioglu Salih Usta Yavuz ?etin
简介: A woman has had her little child squashed and killed after the jins have turned the cabinet over him as she found out that this was not a coincid...详情 >
导演: ?mür Atay Selim Demirdelen 库德雷·特萨班基 Yücel Yolcu ümit ünal
主演: 伊尔达姆.阿克格 阿兹拉·阿金 Hilal Arslan Altan Erkekli ?zgü Namal Mehmet Günsür Erkan Can ?etin Tekindor Nejat ??ler Yelda Reynaud ?evket ?oruh ?smail Hac?o?lu Selen Ucer Nurgül Ye?il?ay Selim Akgul Ece Hakim
简介: 五位土耳其导演分别拍摄的五段发生在伊斯坦布尔的故事,交叉讲述,却不着痕迹,浑然一体。...详情 >
主演: 塞雷奈·萨里卡亚 梅廷·阿克杜尔格 博兰·库祖姆 巴德·伊西尔 泽伊内普·图格斯·巴亚特 梅里奇·阿拉尔 古尔坎·阿尔斯兰 Hakan Kurtas 里法特·桑贾尔 拉希·锡兰 Nil Sude Albayrak 埃格·艾丹 Sümeyra Ko? 卡米尔·古勒 埃斯拉·鲁桑 Efe Tuncer Bilgi Aydogmus Selcuk Borak
电视剧,喜剧 爱情
简介: 在她的朋友和一个英俊的厨师的帮助下,从初恋的背叛中恢复过来;一位成功的律师,莱拉·泰兰,接手了着名的第三...详情 >